
Moscow Jobs - Top Mafia - Experience

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Job TierJob
Chance to
Loot Item
Payout* AffiliationEnergy Req*Exp. Gained*Exp./
Pakhan Gun Down Some Russian Muscle $1,806,420 211 285 1.35 0.74
Vor Hunt Down A Ural Liberation Front Contact $1,127,460 191 255 1.34 0.75
Pakhan Assault The Mansion Walls $1,872,200 131 234 1.79 0.56
Avtoritet Ransack A Defense Contractor's Office $765,072 176 233 1.32 0.76
Vor Start An Avalanche Above The Terrorist Camp $1,267,300 129 227 1.76 0.57
Pakhan Take Over A West-Bound Trafficking Pipeline $1,771,000 124 215 1.73 0.58
Pakhan Ship Black-Market Caviar To London
Zoloto Sports Car
$1,386,440 121 209 1.73 0.58
Avtoritet Buy Off The General's Command Team $862,960 119 208 1.75 0.57
Pakhan Attack A Mafiya Business $1,720,400 Vory 121 208 1.72 0.58
Pakhan Burn Down A Vory Safehouse $1,720,400 Mafiya 121 208 1.72 0.58
Pakhan Break Into An Architect's Office
Mansion Details
$1,295,360 Mafiya 119 205 1.72 0.58
Vor Infiltrate The ULF Cell $1,153,680 Vory 117 200 1.71 0.59
Vor Discover The Location Of The Next ULF Attack $1,153,680 Mafiya 117 200 1.71 0.59
Vor Stop The ULF Attack
Stick of Dynamite
$1,144,940 Mafiya 116 199 1.72 0.58
Vor Look For The Boss' Mountain Hideout
Osa 17 Snowmobile
$884,925 120 199 1.66 0.60
Pakhan Foil The Sabotage Of Your Moscow Holdings $1,644,500 115 199 1.73 0.58
Pakhan Hijack A Mafiya Cargo
Konstantin Cargo Carrier
$1,356,080 Vory 119 198 1.66 0.60
Pakhan Threaten A Mafiya Moneyman's Family
Mansion Details
$1,606,550 Vory 113 195 1.73 0.58
Vor Sabotage The Plan From The Inside
Stick of Dynamite
$1,109,980 Vory 113 193 1.71 0.59
Brigadir Rob The RossijaBanc Central Repository $444,015 146 190 1.30 0.77
Pakhan Hit a Vory Nightclub
Zmeya Carbon Blade
$1,295,360 Mafiya 113 190 1.68 0.59
Avtoritet Support The Habit Of A Procurement Officer
Ru-78 Heavy Machine Gun
$575,000 111 189 1.70 0.59
Vor Discover Who Was Responsible
Arkticheskij Gus'
$812,820 110 189 1.72 0.58
Vor Kill A Lookout
Klyk-9 Machine Pistol
$839,040 Mafiya 113 189 1.67 0.60
Pakhan Acquire Classified Files On Crime Syndicates
Executive Overcoat
$1,234,640 108 187 1.73 0.58
Avtoritet Make Connections With An Arms Dealer $792,120 109 186 1.71 0.59
Brigadir Replace A Guard With Your Own Man $529,230 105 183 1.74 0.57
Avtoritet Transport Some Stolen Military Hardware
Razoritel Grenade Launcher
$575,000 111 183 1.65 0.61
Vor Torture A ULF Lieutenant $1,048,800 106 181 1.71 0.59
Avtoritet Fly To The Siberian Military District $759,920 Vory 105 178 1.70 0.59
Avtoritet Travel To The Volga Military District $759,920 Mafiya 105 178 1.70 0.59
Vor Help Plan The Next Attack
Ubijca Assault Rifle
$793,155 Vory 107 177 1.65 0.60
Vor Stop A Terrorist Attack In Moscow $1,013,840 103 176 1.71 0.59
Avtoritet Arrange The Sale Of Weapons-Grade Explosives
Orel Armored Helicopter
$547,400 Mafiya 105 175 1.67 0.60
Avtoritet Manage An Escort Service Catering to Soldiers $714,840 98 168 1.71 0.58
Avtoritet Capitalize On An Officer's Gambling Problem
Officer Corps Paycheck
$689,080 Mafiya 95 161 1.69 0.59
Avtoritet Rob A Troop Convoy
$496,800 Vory 96 158 1.65 0.61
Avtoritet Intercept The Base's Pay Shipment
Officer Corps Paycheck
$676,200 Vory 93 158 1.70 0.59
Boets Violently Break Up A Campaign Rally $236,325 121 156 1.29 0.78
Brigadir Use The Guard's Keys To Access the Bank Armory
Taiga Comba Shotgun
$313,950 Vory 93 155 1.67 0.60
Boets Circulate Damaging Photos $284,625 88 151 1.72 0.58
Brigadir Steal The Bank President's Car Keys
Volk Luxary Sedan
$296,010 Mafiya 88 147 1.67 0.60
Brigadir Blackmail A Secretary For An Exec's Itinerary $430,560 85 142 1.67 0.60
Boets Extract A Favor From The Winner
Severnyy Olen Snowbike
$167,325 Vory 89 141 1.58 0.63
Brigadir Strip A Uniform Off The Corpse
Bank Guard Uniform
$408,135 Mafiya 80 133 1.66 0.60
Boets "Convince" The Candidate To Withdraw
$155,250 Mafiya 80 132 1.65 0.61
Brigadir "Borrow" The Guard's Uniform After Releasing Him
Bank Guard Uniform
$394,680 Vory 78 130 1.67 0.60
Brigadir Dispose Of A RossijaBanc Exec At Sea
Shchuka Speed Boat
$266,110 79 130 1.65 0.61
Baklany Fight Off An Ultra-National Gang $108,192 99 128 1.29 0.77
Brigadir Take A Guard Hostage During Your Escape $367,770 Vory 72 124 1.72 0.58
Brigadir Execute A Bank Guard During Your Escape $367,770 Mafiya 72 124 1.72 0.58
Brigadir Map Out The Escape Route
Armored Briefcase
$239,200 71 119 1.68 0.60
Boets Re-route An Equipment Shipment
$138,000 71 117 1.65 0.61
Boets Catch Karpov Accepting A Bribe
Set of Photos of Karpov
$221,375 Vory 68 116 1.71 0.59
Baklany Hospitalize Some Nationalists $122,360 67 114 1.70 0.59
Boets Kill An Investigative Reporter
Set of Photos of Karpov
$215,625 Mafiya 66 112 1.70 0.59
Boets Fix A Local Election for the Vory $189,750 Vory 58 101 1.74 0.57
Baklany Hijack An Arms Shipment From A Militant Gang
RU-7 .45 Pistol
$53,935 59 100 1.69 0.59
Boets Abduct A Candidate's Wife For the Mafiya $189,750 Mafiya 58 98 1.69 0.59
Brigadir Case The RossijaBanc $291,525 57 97 1.70 0.59
Baklany Threaten A Gang's Supplier $93,380 51 88 1.73 0.58
Boets Bribe An Election Official $163,875 50 85 1.70 0.59
Boets Pay Off The Port Authority In Arkhangelsk $163,875 50 85 1.70 0.59
Boets Silence A Political Critic
Ballistic Knife
$91,425 47 81 1.72 0.58
Baklany Collect the Hit Payoff
Molotok Pistol
$45,080 Mafiya 49 80 1.63 0.61
Baklany Buy Mafiya Intel On Dmitri
Dossier on Dmitri
$83,720 Mafiya 46 78 1.70 0.59
Baklany Kidnap A Local Gang Leader for the Vory $75,670 Vory 41 70 1.71 0.59
Baklany Kill A Local Gang Leader for the Mafiya $75,670 Mafiya 41 70 1.71 0.59
Baklany Collect The Ransom
Cherepakha Compact
$40,250 Vory 44 70 1.59 0.63
Baklany Smuggle Consumer Electronics for the Vory
Concealable Camera
$74,060 40 68 1.70 0.59
Baklany Receive Vory Intel On Dmitri
Dossier on Dmitri
$64,400 Vory 35 60 1.71 0.58
Baklany Arrange A Drug Shipment for the Mafiya
Untraceable Cell Phone
$64,400 35 59 1.69 0.59
Baklany Confront Gang Leader Dmitri Leonov
Boets Take Down Party Boss Karpov
Brigadir "Fire" Bank President Gregor Belikov
Avtoritet Forcibly Demote General Osipov
Vor Battle Sonya "The Wolf" Bassinov
Pakhan Take Out Viktor Sibirchik