If you were lucky enough (or unlucky, however you see it) to get on a Mafia Wars beta server and have to deal with "rackets" instead of properties, here is one piece of advice: don't waste the money you get from jobs on buying and expanding rackets. Instead, as I suggested in another tip, get money from the achievement posts that others make. You can buy 15 out of the 20 properties using this approach in no time and expand.
One advantage to having rackets is: each time you run a racket, and you collect in time; you will receive 1 experience point. Now 1 experience point doesn't amount to much, but you can have up to 20 rackets running at the same time, for a total of 20 experience points. Utilize this with the job that takes the least time (at the moment 5 mins) and every 5 mins you will have 20 experience points. At lower levels, if you run out of energy, this is a vital and nice way to level up; since typically you may only need 20 - 40 experience points before a level up.
In rackets, typically, none of the rackets are worth running for money. The best racket to run is the very first one, strictly to gain experience points for leveling up. The reason is that the most you get is a 3 - 1 payout for the best racket, and typically you have to wait 1 or more days to achieve it. This is a complete waste of the advantage that rackets provide in the form of experience points.
Remember to collect you racket in a timely fashion. Typically, you will have double the time it takes the racket to reach 100% before it gets wiped out. For example if you have chosen a racket that lets you collect in 5 hours, you should have 10 hours before everything is wiped out (no experience awarded, and the money spent to run the racket is lost as well as the profit).
Proceed to Chapter 5 - New York Tips