When buying property in New York, it is best to buy in lots of 10. This is the cheapest and most efficient way to buy properties inside the game. If you buy each property one at a time, as you progress, you will end up paying almost 50% more than someone who is buying in lots of 10 as suggested here.
Remember to collect your take in a timely fashion. If left alone for long enough, the game simply shuts down all your properties and it stops making you money.
To achieve the cashing out award, you have to sell 50 mega casinos. The best approach to achieving this is as follows: buy 10 commercial lots, then buy 10 mega casinos and sell them instantly. Repeat the process 4 more times and you should get your award. This method is the cheapest way to get the award.
When selling property, consider this: you only get back 50% of the value of what its worth. So be careful when considering selling a property, even if it is to buy insurance.
Proceed to Chapter 4 - Rackets