When you hit level 35, the game will allow you access to Cuba. I would highly recommend you go to Cuba the moment you get access to it!Just by going to Cuba, you will get 1 skill point, so if you decide you don’t want to play Cuba until you finish New York; it is still smart for you to go to Cuba just for the skill point!
- Here is some advice (from many players, not just myself): Once you get access to Cuba; drop everything else you were doing in New York and Finish off all the jobs in Cuba first. After completing Cuba, go back to New York; it will be much easier to finish now.
- When you reach Cuba, use the money from jobs to buy the “Bribery Ring” business as soon as possible (at least before you complete the El Soldado stage). You will need LOTS of Politico Corruptos in short order. Upgrade and put all money towards it, and then work on the rest of the businesses.
- Cuba has many advantages in the game. One of them happens to be that in Cuba, the jobs are actually much better at leveling you up faster than in New York or Moscow. Typically, you will get more experience points using less energy in Cuba than the other two cities. Therefore, it is easier to level up (for the most part) in Cuba.
- Another advantage to Cuba is: the loot is typically much better than in New York. In fact, most of the more powerful loot weapons, armor and vehicles still come from jobs in Cuba. Even the lower end weapons in Cuba are typically stronger than the strongest weapons in New York. So if you want to be better equipped for fights, I would suggest working on Cuba more than New York.
- You will need to buy businesses in Cuba. You won't be able to move fast enough just relying on jobs, since as you move on, you will be required to buy inventory which takes a cut of your job, until basically the jobs become worthless. Hence, you need to get money somehow other than jobs in Cuba. So I would recommend saving to buy or investing in businesses in Cuba with each sizeable amount of money you make from jobs (and on occasion from helping other’s with their jobs and fighting).
- In Cuba, try to avoid moving on before finishing all three tiers of a certain level/stage (ie. El Soldado). Also try and do as many jobs multiple times to build up cash for future job levels/stages and try to buy inventory in bulk. That way you maximize the cash received on all jobs, instead of losing it to the -.05% bribery fee each time you buy a weapon or armor. Bottom line: save up, and then buy in bulk when you reach a certain level/stage.
- The further you move along in Cuba (doing all the Tiers eventually), the less money you will get from doing jobs. This is because you need loot to do certain jobs, and they take a bribery fee, which cuts into the money you gain from doing certain jobs. Hence, treat the money you get in Cuba like gold! Bank it, make sure you don't lose it when attacking and being attacked.
Proceed to Chapter 7 - Moscow and beyond