When you reach level 70 and unlock Moscow, I would encourage you to start and finish the first stage and collect some Rubles. The Rubles are so you can buy businesses in Moscow. Do the jobs, collect money and buy businesses. Then just sit back and collect money from the businesses (and upgrade them if you want). The key is to save money, since everything in Moscow is expensive and will take money in the future to finish all its Chapters. While collecting the money, go back to Cuba (and/or New York) and finish that off if you haven't already.
- Once you reach level 99, you will unlock the bonus weapon in New York. It costs the same as the Chain guns, but offers better attack/defense. I would highly recommend you upgrade you chain guns to these (keep 20 Chain guns, as you will need them for jobs later on). Just by upgrading to bonus weapons, assuming you have 501 mafia, you should see a boost of about 10, 000 attack and defense points.
Proceed to Chapter 8 - Power trading and gaining the stuff you need