Fighting Tip: Never pick a fight you may lose as it will hurt your chances to level up faster. If you must fight, call your mafia for assistance rather than Hit Listing. Hit-listing tends to get people angrier, making some into abusive players that won’t leave you alone (they keep attacking and killing you). Stamina can earn experience points but always fight people with smaller mafias than yours.
- Now that Zynga has lowered the cost of stamina (it is now 1 skill point to get 1 stamina point); it can be in your advantage to get Stamina, especially if you enjoy fighting. The reason I write this is simple: you can gain lots of loot and skill points by fighting. This is much easier in the lower levels of course; but also crucial if you want to start going after people on the Hitlist.
- To help out in as many wars as possible, it helps to use the right-click method here as well to load in a new window. Then you can quickly scan the page as it loads to see if you are too late or not. If there are still targets left, then great! If not, you can close the window/tab and move on.
During a fight, assuming both opponents have equal everything (attack, defense, weapons and etc), the defender will come up on top usually (probably as high as 90% of the time). Hence, if you enjoy fighting (and that is all you care about), putting points towards defense is always a good choice, when people start coming after you in retaliation.
- When fighting, assuming that a loot weapon has the same value (in attack or in defense if defending); the game will always use the loot weapon in favor of the bought item (the items you buy from the inventory page). Hence as you progress along in the game, it is a good idea to calculate your attack/defense score from time to time and sell of those weapons that cost you fees, bribes and etc. This will help increase you income. Remember, in New York, you will need to reach the $1 Trillion mark to get that skill point and achievement award.
If you health meter is below 20 or zero (which means you've been iced or killed), and you log out of Facebook, the game will consider you dead until you log back in. This is a great strategy if you want to avoid being a target for someone who is trying to constantly attack you. It's also great for making them angry, as their patience runs out after trying to serially Hitlist and/or attack you.
- On the Fight list; the game will eventually post you whether you like it or not, and as mentioned before, the more you use the list to fight, the higher the chances are you will get listed (and listed more often to boot). But did you know, from levels 1 - 180, the game will try and list you (and give you a list) of those with levels that are near or around your level. But after you reach level 180, the game lists anyone from level 180 and up.
You can only visit the hospital every 1 minute (or 60 seconds for those of you who use a counter to keep track). So use it wisely when timing stuff for riding the Hitlist and/or when going through the attack list.
Proceed to Chapter 10 - Advanced strategies