Use multiple pimps to get to grow your mafia. Pimping services are all over Facebook to help you add friends just for certain games, such as Mafia Wars. It only makes sense to use their services to help grow your Mafia; and it only makes sense that using more than one will help your chances of growing faster… well… better! I suggest joining/becoming a fan of groups such as: SCP (Stone cold pimps) and Mafia Wars Pimpettes (as they are some of the top pimping groups for Mafia Wars).
- When first starting off, you can’t really get pimped right away (unless you pay for it!). Therefore, you can start off by adding people to your friends/mafia by simply adding the people that a pimp may suggest. If you go to SCP (Stone Cold Pimps) and check their wall, you will see a list of posts that keeps going and going of people they recommend you add to your Mafia. When you are first starting off, I highly recommend you go down the wall and add as many as you can and keep doing this for a couple of hours (or days). It is a highly effective way of getting noticed; plus you know these people will be added to your Mafia, as they have the same objective as you: to grow their Mafia as fast as possible.
- Once you have finished adding people from the wall of a certain group/pimp (as suggested in the previous tip); you can go to other pimping groups and do the same thing. Keep doing this, until you have a list of 200 or so friends/Mafia members. After you reach 200 or more friends added, you should now have a large enough list to be able to do some of the stuff to get yourself pimped. Typically, you need to suggest a certain pimping group/site to your friends who are not already a part of the group you are looking to get pimped at. Of course, the more people you suggest the group to, the better off you look and higher chance you have of getting pimped yourself.
- Remember to read the rules of each pimping group. They all have similar rules, but some have different ones you may need to follow to get properly pimped. Typically most frown on people who spam themselves on their posts (people who comment on a post by saying ‘add me’ or something towards that effect). Simple rule of thumb, be respectful and follow the rules if you want to get pimped.
If you have no idea which pimping groups to join (or become a fan of); look at another friend's list of groups, and fan pages. Specifically find a friend with a large Mafia (600+), and look at his/her groups he/she has joined. Most often, you will see they have joined multiple groups to help gain Mafia members, so most of the work they have done is now available at your fingertips. Look at the various groups, find some good ones and join them.
When looking for a top notch pimp; look at how many fans (or members if it’s a group) there are attached to the group. Some pimps are relatively new and only have a few thousand fans/members; while others have been around for a while and have a few hundred thousand fans/members. Obviously you want to use the ones with the most fans/members to get the highest success rate of adding the most members, so join those. However; keep an eye on the smaller ones as well, as they give you the best chance of being pimped! (Typically larger pimps may take time to pimp you versus the smaller groups).
- When looking for a top notch pimp; go and read their wall and see how often they post links and actually pimp out their members! Obviously you want groups that are more active and actually posting to their wall to get people pimped.
There are other groups you can join in Facebook, such as the “Mafia Wars Officers”, you can join to help build up your Mafia size. In such groups, you typically start adding people who post their link on the main wall; and you post your link on the wall as well asking for people to add you. Although this method is less successful than pimping; if you are consistent at it (always posting on the wall and adding people); you can easily add a few dozen new Mafia members in a couple of hours. Hey, each member adds to the 5000 goal! Just remember that!
Top Mafia Selection: As you know, who you select as your “Top Mafia” has a big difference in how your character will play the game. Use the following below to select the right players as your “Top Mafia”:
Choosing your Mastermind:
Find anyone in your mafia that has completed 50,000 jobs to get the max 11% bonus.
Choosing your Wheelman:
Must be a "Fearless" type and is over level 300 to give the max 11% bonus.
Choosing your Buttonman:
Must be a "Maniac" type and is over level 300 to give the max 11 point bonus.
Choosing your Bodyguard:
Find anyone in your mafia that has won over 50,000 fights to get the max 11 point bonus.
Choosing your Safecracker:
Find anyone in your mafia that has completed 50,000 heists to get the max 15% bonus. Warning, this will be tough, unless you find someone who was playing Mafia Wars prior to September, when they “temporarily” removed the "robbing properties" feature.
Choosing your Bagman:
Must be a "Mogul" type and is over level 300 to give the max 15 point bonus.
- Whatever you do in terms of picking your “Top Mafia”; make sure to try and get the best “Mastermind” and “Wheelman” possible, and they give you the max points. This is crucial in game play if you want to get the maximum value for doing jobs in the game and leveling up.
Try and add people (as friends, then Mafia Family) who have a lot of fights or like to fight lots (you can find this statistic on their page in Mafia Wars). People who tend to like to fight more often will give you better chances at gaining extra experience points – whether you are playing or not; since you will get a chance to join/help them every time they fight. This adds to the strategy of “auto-play” that is discussed above.
A big reason for adding lower level players is that; low level players tend to level up easier and faster than (most) higher level players. Hence, you will have more chances to get bonus experience points with a lower level player than a higher level player. I also find, most lower level players play consistently to advance; while many higher level players, once they have achieved everything in the game, tend to slow down in their play.
- If you wanna grow your Mafia, as well as have protection in numbers (and once you are at a higher level, you can offer it); then we suggest you might seek out a clan to join. Some even join multiple clans; but the basic premise is that very few will try and pick on you if you are tagged and show that you belong to a big (and powerful) clan.
- Although a slower way to grow your Mafia; if you don't like the idea of getting "pimped" and doing all that work; you can still join those pimping groups to add people to your mafia. They will publish/post a list (via your wall or your mail in Facebook) of people you can add as your friends, and subsequently Mafia. These people are specifically looking to add people and grow your Mafia, so rest assured you won't be wasting your time adding these people if you are looking to grow your Mafia as well.
Proceed to Chapter 3 - Properties