
Moscow Jobs - Basic - Experience/Energy

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Job TierJob
Chance to
Loot Item
Payout* AffiliationEnergy Req*Exp. Gained*Exp./
Pakhan Assault The Mansion Walls $1,628,000 145 212 1.46 0.68
Vor Start An Avalanche Above The Terrorist Camp $1,102,000 143 205 1.43 0.70
Avtoritet Buy Off The General's Command Team $750,400 132 188 1.42 0.70
Boets Fix A Local Election for the Vory $165,000 Vory 64 91 1.42 0.70
Brigadir Replace A Guard With Your Own Man $460,200 117 166 1.42 0.70
Pakhan Threaten A Mafiya Moneyman's Family
Mansion Details
$1,397,000 Vory 125 177 1.42 0.71
Pakhan Take Over A West-Bound Trafficking Pipeline $1,540,000 138 195 1.41 0.71
Pakhan Ship Black-Market Caviar To London
Zoloto Sports Car
$1,205,600 134 189 1.41 0.71
Pakhan Acquire Classified Files On Crime Syndicates
Executive Overcoat
$1,073,600 120 169 1.41 0.71
Pakhan Foil The Sabotage Of Your Moscow Holdings $1,430,000 128 180 1.41 0.71
Boets Silence A Political Critic
Ballistic Knife
$79,500 52 73 1.40 0.71
Pakhan Attack A Mafiya Business $1,496,000 Vory 134 188 1.40 0.71
Pakhan Burn Down A Vory Safehouse $1,496,000 Mafiya 134 188 1.40 0.71
Vor Discover Who Was Responsible
Arkticheskij Gus'
$706,800 122 171 1.40 0.71
Pakhan Break Into An Architect's Office
Mansion Details
$1,126,400 Mafiya 132 185 1.40 0.71
Vor Sabotage The Plan From The Inside
Stick of Dynamite
$965,200 Vory 125 175 1.40 0.71
Brigadir Take A Guard Hostage During Your Escape $319,800 Vory 80 112 1.40 0.71
Brigadir Execute A Bank Guard During Your Escape $319,800 Mafiya 80 112 1.40 0.71
Boets Catch Karpov Accepting A Bribe
Set of Photos of Karpov
$192,500 Vory 75 105 1.40 0.71
Baklany Hijack An Arms Shipment From A Militant Gang
RU-7 .45 Pistol
$46,900 65 91 1.40 0.71
Boets Circulate Damaging Photos $247,500 98 137 1.40 0.72
Boets Kill An Investigative Reporter
Set of Photos of Karpov
$187,500 Mafiya 73 102 1.40 0.72
Brigadir Case The RossijaBanc $253,500 63 88 1.40 0.72
Vor Stop The ULF Attack
Stick of Dynamite
$995,600 Mafiya 129 180 1.40 0.72
Vor Stop A Terrorist Attack In Moscow $881,600 114 159 1.39 0.72
Avtoritet Manage An Escort Service Catering to Soldiers $621,600 109 152 1.39 0.72
Vor Infiltrate The ULF Cell $1,003,200 Vory 130 181 1.39 0.72
Vor Discover The Location Of The Next ULF Attack $1,003,200 Mafiya 130 181 1.39 0.72
Baklany Buy Mafiya Intel On Dmitri
Dossier on Dmitri
$72,800 Mafiya 51 71 1.39 0.72
Baklany Hospitalize Some Nationalists $106,400 74 103 1.39 0.72
Boets Abduct A Candidate's Wife For the Mafiya $165,000 Mafiya 64 89 1.39 0.72
Avtoritet Capitalize On An Officer's Gambling Problem
Officer Corps Paycheck
$599,200 Mafiya 105 146 1.39 0.72
Avtoritet Support The Habit Of A Procurement Officer
Ru-78 Heavy Machine Gun
$500,000 123 171 1.39 0.72
Vor Torture A ULF Lieutenant $912,000 118 164 1.39 0.72
Avtoritet Make Connections With An Arms Dealer $688,800 121 168 1.39 0.72
Avtoritet Intercept The Base's Pay Shipment
Officer Corps Paycheck
$588,000 Vory 103 143 1.39 0.72
Baklany Smuggle Consumer Electronics for the Vory
Concealable Camera
$64,400 44 61 1.39 0.72
Baklany Threaten A Gang's Supplier $81,200 57 79 1.39 0.72
Baklany Receive Vory Intel On Dmitri
Dossier on Dmitri
$56,000 Vory 39 54 1.38 0.72
Avtoritet Fly To The Siberian Military District $660,800 Vory 117 161 1.38 0.73
Avtoritet Travel To The Volga Military District $660,800 Mafiya 117 161 1.38 0.73
Pakhan Hit a Vory Nightclub
Zmeya Carbon Blade
$1,126,400 Mafiya 125 172 1.38 0.73
Boets Bribe An Election Official $142,500 56 77 1.38 0.73
Boets Pay Off The Port Authority In Arkhangelsk $142,500 56 77 1.38 0.73
Baklany Kidnap A Local Gang Leader for the Vory $65,800 Vory 46 63 1.37 0.73
Baklany Kill A Local Gang Leader for the Mafiya $65,800 Mafiya 46 63 1.37 0.73
Brigadir Use The Guard's Keys To Access the Bank Armory
Taiga Comba Shotgun
$273,000 Vory 103 141 1.37 0.73
Vor Kill A Lookout
Klyk-9 Machine Pistol
$729,600 Mafiya 125 171 1.37 0.73
Brigadir Map Out The Escape Route
Armored Briefcase
$208,000 79 108 1.37 0.73
Brigadir Blackmail A Secretary For An Exec's Itinerary $374,400 94 128 1.36 0.73
Brigadir Strip A Uniform Off The Corpse
Bank Guard Uniform
$354,900 Mafiya 89 121 1.36 0.74
Avtoritet Arrange The Sale Of Weapons-Grade Explosives
Orel Armored Helicopter
$476,000 Mafiya 117 159 1.36 0.74
Baklany Arrange A Drug Shipment for the Mafiya
Untraceable Cell Phone
$56,000 39 53 1.36 0.74
Brigadir Steal The Bank President's Car Keys
Volk Luxary Sedan
$257,400 Mafiya 98 133 1.36 0.74
Pakhan Hijack A Mafiya Cargo
Konstantin Cargo Carrier
$1,179,200 Vory 132 179 1.36 0.74
Vor Look For The Boss' Mountain Hideout
Osa 17 Snowmobile
$769,500 133 180 1.35 0.74
Avtoritet Transport Some Stolen Military Hardware
Razoritel Grenade Launcher
$500,000 123 166 1.35 0.74
Boets "Convince" The Candidate To Withdraw
$135,000 Mafiya 89 120 1.35 0.74
Brigadir "Borrow" The Guard's Uniform After Releasing Him
Bank Guard Uniform
$343,200 Vory 87 117 1.34 0.74
Vor Help Plan The Next Attack
Ubijca Assault Rifle
$689,700 Vory 119 160 1.34 0.74
Boets Re-route An Equipment Shipment
$120,000 79 106 1.34 0.75
Brigadir Dispose Of A RossijaBanc Exec At Sea
Shchuka Speed Boat
$231,400 88 118 1.34 0.75
Avtoritet Rob A Troop Convoy
$432,000 Vory 107 143 1.34 0.75
Baklany Collect the Hit Payoff
Molotok Pistol
$39,200 Mafiya 54 72 1.33 0.75
Baklany Collect The Ransom
Cherepakha Compact
$35,000 Vory 49 64 1.31 0.77
Boets Extract A Favor From The Winner
Severnyy Olen Snowbike
$145,500 Vory 99 128 1.29 0.77
Pakhan Gun Down Some Russian Muscle $1,570,800 234 258 1.10 0.91
Vor Hunt Down A Ural Liberation Front Contact $980,400 212 231 1.09 0.92
Avtoritet Ransack A Defense Contractor's Office $665,280 195 211 1.08 0.92
Brigadir Rob The RossijaBanc Central Repository $386,100 162 172 1.06 0.94
Baklany Fight Off An Ultra-National Gang $94,080 110 116 1.05 0.95
Boets Violently Break Up A Campaign Rally $205,500 134 141 1.05 0.95
Baklany Confront Gang Leader Dmitri Leonov 0 0
Boets Take Down Party Boss Karpov 0 0
Brigadir "Fire" Bank President Gregor Belikov 0 0
Avtoritet Forcibly Demote General Osipov 0 0
Vor Battle Sonya "The Wolf" Bassinov 0 0
Pakhan Take Out Viktor Sibirchik